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Site Rules

These are the rules to which members are expected to adhere

1. General

1.1 Behaviour

Please treat other members with respect, we will not tolerate any form of threat, abuse, insult, or harassment of another member in any shape or form, racism, sexism and sexual innuendo will also not be tolerated whether in general or directed towards another member.

1.2 Swearing

Please keep the swearing to a minimum, excessive and continuous swearing is not allowed. Any swearing or cussing that is directed towards another member will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to censor any swear word at any time without reason or explanation.

1.3 Pornographic Material

We will not tolerate any pornographic material on this site including links to external sites containing the same.

1.4 Advertising

We do not allow any form of advertising on this site without the written consent of the site owner(s), if you wish to advertise on this site then please contact a member of staff before doing so.

1.5 Links

If you wish to post or place a link on this site in order to promote or advertise another site then please place it in the links section of this site if provided, continual advertising of the same sites within other areas of the site is not permitted. If the site you wish to link to is a competing site to this one then please seek permission from the site owner(s) before you post the link. Where possible, please ensure the site you are linking to also has a link back to us.

2. Accounts

2.1 Profiles

Your profile should not contain anything that is covered within section 1 of these rules, this also applies to your username, avatar, profile picture and signature which we consider to be part of your profile.

2.2 Multiple Accounts

We do not allow members to have multiple accounts on this site or to share accounts with others. If there are more members of your household that wish to join the site then you will each be required to have your own account.

2.3 Email Addresses

Please try to use the email address provided by your internet service provider as these addresses are more reliable and least likely to reject any mail from this site. If your email address rejects our email, you will be automatically placed back to an unconfirmed member which will require you to confirm the email address again or change to an address that will accept our email.

3. Submissions

3.1 Stay On Topic

Please ensure that any submissions you make to this site are in the relevant section for your submission, if you are replying to content started by another member then please also ensure that the content remains on topic.

3.2 Language

All submissions to this site are required to be in the English language.

3.3 Shorthand

Please do not use any form of shorthand on this site such as SMS for your submissions as not everyone will understand the point you are trying to make, the occasional word is acceptable but not entire sentences.

3.4 Duplicates

If you submit new content, please ensure you submit it only once, the same content across multiple areas of the site will not be tolerated and is considered as spamming.

3.5 Bumping

If you have not received a reply then please wait at least 24 hours before "bumping" your submission back to the top

3.6 Acceptable Submissions

Please ensure that all submissions you make are in compliance with section 1 of these rules.

3.7 Short Submissions

Please try to avoid one or two word submissions where possible.

3.8 Quoting

When quoting another post, if the post is particularly lengthy then please try to only quote relevant portions of the post rather than the entire post.

3.9 Personal Information

Please do not submit your personal information or contact information into content that is available for all to see.

4. Trading Rules

4.1 Requirements

You are required to have been a member for 30 days and have made a minimum of 10 posts before access to the trading area is granted. Only forum donors will be allowed to sell items.

4.2 Age Restriction

It is forbidden to put up for sale any of the following goods on this forum:

Alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco products, fireworks, knives, blades and axes, solvents and lighter refills, lottery tickets, scratch cards and spray paints.

If you are unsure of any age restrictions to any other products, please contact the site staff before posting.

If you are yourself under 18 years of age then you must not attempt to buy from any members of this site the above products.

4.3 Location

If you are planning to use the trading areas then it is a requirement that you fill in accurately your location in your profile, this should identify your location as a town/city and country. If your town or city shares the same name as another then please also specify the county if the country is the same.

4.4 Prices

Every item for sale should have a clearly marked price, it is fine to accept offers providing there is also a price listed that will guarantee the sale. If you are offering a sale or trade item then this should also have a clearly marked price.

4.5 Advertised In Other Places

If the item you are selling, trading or giving away is advertised anywhere else but on this site then you must state so when submitting, this will alert members to this fact and allow you to mark it as sold without explanation.

4.6 Private Discussions

If you receive an offer via any medium not visible to other members, you are required to place that offer in your original advertisement, you need only put the offer and not the name if the potential buyer wishes to remain anonymous.

5. Important

The above rules are enforced on this site in order to provide our members with as pleasant an experience as possible while browsing and participating in the site.

The owners and all appointed staff members will enforce these rules to the best of their abilities, we will not however be held responsible for any content on this site.

We reserve the right to edit, move, close, delete or perform any other administrative function on any content on this site for any reason, at any time and without warning.

All content submitted to this site represents the views and opinions of their creator and does not in any way reflect the views and opinions of this sites owner(s) or its appointed staff.

Your use of this site warrants that you will abide by these rules and accept full responsibility for your actions should you break any of these rules.

Any breach of the above rules will result in administrative action by a representative of this site.

We reserve the right to prevent access to this site at any time and without prior warning or explanation.

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