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I have been visiting a couple of other British survival forums this week, & the experience has left me wondering why people are on those forums. Lemmings come to mind! If they don't think any survival situation will arise in the UK, what the hell are they doing on the forum in the first place!
Every reply I gave was met with derision & argument. I pointed out the problems with bugging in if you live in the city when the power goes down in a major shtf situation, where there is no more government control & no police. Trucks for ramming houses in the UK are apparently not accessible because they are kept in compounds & no one will have any transport to get to these compounds. People would not ram houses with trucks because it would damage the trucks (???), Molotov cocktails can't be used to fire homes/flats/apartments because the petrol pumps won't be working at garages (???), You don't have to worry about no toilets because people can make composting toilets in there own homes. Apparently not being able to cook inside or being without heating & water is no problem at all !
I unsubscribed from further notifications!
Lonewolf is right, there will not be many survivors to worry about post shtf. IF it happens of course.