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Why Are They There?


Very Addicted

I have been visiting a couple of other British survival forums this week, & the experience has left me wondering why people are on those forums. Lemmings come to mind! If they don't think any survival situation will arise in the UK, what the hell are they doing on the forum in the first place!
Every reply I gave was met with derision & argument. I pointed out the problems with bugging in if you live in the city when the power goes down in a major shtf situation, where there is no more government control & no police. Trucks for ramming houses in the UK are apparently not accessible because they are kept in compounds & no one will have any transport to get to these compounds. People would not ram houses with trucks because it would damage the trucks (???), Molotov cocktails can't be used to fire homes/flats/apartments because the petrol pumps won't be working at garages (???), You don't have to worry about no toilets because people can make composting toilets in there own homes. Apparently not being able to cook inside or being without heating & water is no problem at all !
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Lonewolf is right, there will not be many survivors to worry about post shtf. IF it happens of course.

Heads in the sand or heads stuck up their bums...take your pick Keith. There's no helping some people.
I can understand that they may not take it seriously & just like to talk about it on a forum of like minded people, what I don't understand is there way of thinking. Even without experience, I would have thought that most people could imagine the consequences of a major catastrophe & realise that petrol can be siphoned from vehicle fuel tanks & that trucks are not just kept in compounds etc etc.
yes I used to be a member of one of those sites you went on Keith as are a couple of other members here, the reason we left those forums was because of the idiots on there. one used to go on about "lippy and chocolate and harveys Bristol cream" all the time!!!

I have been visiting a couple of other British survival forums this week, & the experience has left me wondering why people are on those forums. Lemmings come to mind! If they don't think any survival situation will arise in the UK, what the hell are they doing on the forum in the first place!
Every reply I gave was met with derision & argument. I pointed out the problems with bugging in if you live in the city when the power goes down in a major shtf situation, where there is no more government control & no police. Trucks for ramming houses in the UK are apparently not accessible because they are kept in compounds & no one will have any transport to get to these compounds. People would not ram houses with trucks because it would damage the trucks (???), Molotov cocktails can't be used to fire homes/flats/apartments because the petrol pumps won't be working at garages (???), You don't have to worry about no toilets because people can make composting toilets in there own homes. Apparently not being able to cook inside or being without heating & water is no problem at all !
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Lonewolf is right, there will not be many survivors to worry about post shtf. IF it happens of course.

several of us used to post quite a bit on these sites, a friend of mine used to post very much the same sort of articles you do Keith as do I, but it was all met with derision and contempt.
as I have already said many UK "preppers" are only preparing for very short term events and just cannot contemplate any event that would mean long term survival let alone a different way of life. they just cannot see anything past what is "normal". most seem to think its okay to amass enough stores and gear for a month or 2 but they give not the slightest thought about skills or knowledge, after all if your only expecting a short term event why would you need such things??
with that kind of attitude the survival rate is not likely to be very high.
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Thats an interesting point lone wolf.. "Skills & knowledge". Exactly one of the reasons i joined the forum is to learn skills and knowledge.. After all its one thing having prepping equipment, yes very nice to have and look at, its knowing what to do with it that counts.. I certainly dont want to be part of the oncoming cull.. And i certainly want the skill and knowledge needed to survive the selection ;)..
Thats an interesting point lone wolf.. "Skills & knowledge". Exactly one of the reasons i joined the forum is to learn skills and knowledge.. After all its one thing having prepping equipment, yes very nice to have and look at, its knowing what to do with it that counts.. I certainly dont want to be part of the oncoming cull.. And i certainly want the skill and knowledge needed to survive the selection ;)..
A good way of thinking Marwood, but remember, carrying a cigarette lighter, matches or a ferocerium rod will NOT teach you the fire lighting skills you need to learn. The same may be applied to other equipment. Once it has worn out, got damaged or for whatever reason is no longer of any use, then you need those back up skills.
"use what you can until it is gone" has always been my philosophy, use "technology" for as long as you can but learn traditional skills alongside this as Keith says, not everything lasts forever and will eventually wear out so you need to learn the "old fashioned" ways of doing things as well.
take farming for instance, post SHTF we will be down to subsistence ways of growing food, no machines, no fuel, everything done by hand.
"use what you can until it is gone" has always been my philosophy, use "technology" for as long as you can but learn traditional skills alongside this as Keith says, not everything lasts forever and will eventually wear out so you need to learn the "old fashioned" ways of doing things as well.
take farming for instance, post SHTF we will be down to subsistence ways of growing food, no machines, no fuel, everything done by hand.
Yes, I wonder if those farmers in the UK that have reverted to horse drawn machinery could be classed as preppers?
don't see many of those down here and the ones that you do are mainly for "ploughing matches".
they always reckoned a good man with an oxen or a carthorse could plough 1 acre per day.

I have been visiting a couple of other British survival forums this week, & the experience has left me wondering why people are on those forums. Lemmings come to mind! If they don't think any survival situation will arise in the UK, what the hell are they doing on the forum in the first place!
Every reply I gave was met with derision & argument. I pointed out the problems with bugging in if you live in the city when the power goes down in a major shtf situation, where there is no more government control & no police. Trucks for ramming houses in the UK are apparently not accessible because they are kept in compounds & no one will have any transport to get to these compounds. People would not ram houses with trucks because it would damage the trucks (???), Molotov cocktails can't be used to fire homes/flats/apartments because the petrol pumps won't be working at garages (???), You don't have to worry about no toilets because people can make composting toilets in there own homes. Apparently not being able to cook inside or being without heating & water is no problem at all !
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Lonewolf is right, there will not be many survivors to worry about post shtf. IF it happens of course.


I'll be waving the banner of reasonable moderation on this topic even although I consider myself a fairly seasoned and knowledgeable ( open to disagreement ) 'prepper'

I do see where you are coming from Keith ( and LW by proxy ) but please remember Prepping is a VERY Broad church , to many new preppers i'd say its important to take it on piece by piece until they have an appetite for more knowledge and more ' WHAT IFs?? ' - Prepping to the newbie for complete TEOTWAWKI it can be a very very daunting affair indeed. Better to feed them small pieces I think until they start to feed themselves rather than shout at them like manic street preachers with a single vision Crusade to mind.

Surely all Prepper conversation is good conversation? Just because someone doesn't 'truck' with your own personal view or philosophy in real life do you berate or disregard them?? Surely we all have the maturity to accept another persons view can be different to our own?
I'll be waving the banner of reasonable moderation on this topic even although I consider myself a fairly seasoned and knowledgeable ( open to disagreement ) 'prepper'

I do see where you are coming from Keith ( and LW by proxy ) but please remember Prepping is a VERY Broad church , to many new preppers i'd say its important to take it on piece by piece until they have an appetite for more knowledge and more ' WHAT IFs?? ' - Prepping to the newbie for complete TEOTWAWKI it can be a very very daunting affair indeed. Better to feed them small pieces I think until they start to feed themselves rather than shout at them like manic street preachers with a single vision Crusade to mind.

Surely all Prepper conversation is good conversation? Just because someone doesn't 'truck' with your own personal view or philosophy in real life do you berate or disregard them?? Surely we all have the maturity to accept another persons view can be different to our own?
You are right of course Prime, it is quite understandable that people are mindful of the need to prep but at the same time don't want to accept the worst could happen. I can understand their point of view, but it is a little frustrating when they won't even consider our take on the possible situation & instead fight so hard to defend their choice. If someone were to pick holes in my choices I would be pleased to consider their views & give it some serious thought (not that I haven't given it some serious thought already). We need to look at all the possibilities.