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primitive skills

  1. Keith

    Do Any Of You Go Camping?

    Do any of you go camping with your bug-out equipment & practice skills? Keith.
  2. Keith

    Reading Glass Fire Lighting.

  3. Keith

    Training Weekend With Greens Rangers In The Uk.

    Just to give you some idea of the advantages in being a member of a living history group. It is a lot of fun, you can make new friends & you get to do some skills training. Keith.
  4. Keith

    Making A Bark Knife Sheath.

    I used stringybark for this project, you won't have many of these in the UK as they are not a native, so I suggest that if you want to try & make one of these that you experiment with the species of trees you have growing locally. The finished knife sheath covered in leather & beaded.
  5. Keith

    Making Dipped Candles.

  6. Keith

    Skills Forum Now Online.

    Our new skills section is up & running everyone. Mark to follow & contribute what you can. Keith.
  7. Keith

    Recognising/identifying Punk Wood & More Part Three Final

  8. Keith

    Recognising/identifying Punk Wood & More Part Two.

  9. Keith

    Recognising/identifying Punk Wood & More Part One.

    Punkwood/Punk wood/Wildfire is a plant tinder used in flint & steel fire lighting, Fire-Bow fire lighting & many other methods of primitive fire lighting. This tinder can be found where ever there is a forest or woodlands world wide. Keith.
  10. Keith

    Making Sulphur Matches/spunks.

    Please take care when performing this task. Sulphur fumes are quite strong smelling & if you put too much sulphur on the match/splint then it can drip fire. Do this somewhere safe where you can't set the house on fire. This task is easy to perform, you just need to take care. Keith.
  11. Keith

    How I Lay My Fire.

  12. Keith

    Field Preparation Of Plant & Fungi Tinders For Fire Lighting.

  13. Keith

    A Woodsrunner's Day Part One.

  14. Keith

    The Joseph Method Of Flint & Steel Fire Lighting.

    Detail of the altarpiece of the Saint Georges church in Haguenau Bas Rhin France.
  15. Keith

    Flint & Steel Fire Lighting

    This was made some years ago using my old video camera, but I think it is still watchable. Keith.
  16. Keith

    Skills List.

    This is a basic skills list that we have for our group members to learn & practice. It is historical, & it is for a long term wilderness living/survival situation. Woodsrunner’s Skills. New England Colonial Living History Group 1680-1760. This is a list of basic skills in which we expect an...
  17. Keith

    A Woodsrunner's Day. Parts 4 & 5 Final.

  18. Keith

    A Woodsrunner's day. Parts 1,2,& 3

  19. Keith

    Reading Glass Fire Lighting.

  20. Keith

    How I Lay My Fire.
