The British Shooting Sports Council is an umbrella organisation representing the major shooting associations in the United Kingdom.
It acts as a conduit between the Home Office and other Government Departments, the Association of Chief Police Officers, the British Standards Institute, the Health and Safety Executive, etc. for the exchange of views and information across the spectrum of sporting shooting. It is now seen as a primary consultee on any issue concerning the sport.
It does not seek to usurp any of the work, or connections, of its individual members, but with their consent and co-operation, is able to present a unified voice on issues of importance.
It does not have a large secretariat or regional structure. The Council is a founding member of the World Forum on the Future of Sports Shooting Activities [WFSA] - an NGO in Roster Consultative Status with the ECOSOS Committee of the United Nations.
It acts as a conduit between the Home Office and other Government Departments, the Association of Chief Police Officers, the British Standards Institute, the Health and Safety Executive, etc. for the exchange of views and information across the spectrum of sporting shooting. It is now seen as a primary consultee on any issue concerning the sport.
It does not seek to usurp any of the work, or connections, of its individual members, but with their consent and co-operation, is able to present a unified voice on issues of importance.
It does not have a large secretariat or regional structure. The Council is a founding member of the World Forum on the Future of Sports Shooting Activities [WFSA] - an NGO in Roster Consultative Status with the ECOSOS Committee of the United Nations.